chemical weapons

Turkish Troops Accused of Hitting Kurds With Toxic Gas After Crossing Into Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Multiple reports emerged on Friday claiming that Turkish troops used shells containing poisonous gas in their attacks in Afrin, hitting the town of Aranda with such shells, and hospitalizing six civilians with breathing problems. Details are still scant, and there are no details on what chemical they were exposed to, but similar accounts have been made […]

US Accuses Syria of Using Chemical Weapons, Warns of Iranian Influence

(MEE) — U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said on Saturday that public reports showed Syria was using chemical weapons and added that it was time for the international community to hold the Syrian government to account. “Public accounts and photos clearly show that Assad’s chemical weapons use is continuing,” McMaster said at the annual Munich Security […]

Five Reasons To Be Absolutely Certain That The Establishment Is Lying About Syria

There are many, many, many piles of evidence substantiating the fact that the Syrian government has become the target of what is surely one of the largest and most sophisticated propaganda campaigns in human history, but most people don't have time to comb through all the tiny details and sort through the complexities of what's what.
The post Five Reasons To Be Absolutely Certain That The Establishment Is Lying About Syria appeared first on BSNEWS.

Five Reasons To Be Absolutely Certain That The Establishment Is Lying About Syria

Whenever you see UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on video she’s trying to start World War Three. At today’s UN Security Council Haley gave remarks about why the UN should “take action” against two of the US power establishment’s favorite targets, Russia and the Syrian government, due to allegations that Bashar al-Assad has been using chemical weapons.

Five Reasons To Be Absolutely Certain That The Establishment Is Lying About Syria

Caitlin Johnstone Whenever you see UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on video she’s trying to start World War Three. At today’s UN Security Council Haley gave remarks about why the UN should “take action” against two of the US power establishment’s favorite targets, Russia and the Syrian government, due to allegations that Bashar al-Assad has been using chemical…

Mattis Threatens Military Action Over Syria Gas Attack Claims, Then Admits “No Evidence”

"I don’t have the evidence,” Mattis said. “What I am saying is that other groups on the ground - NGOs, fighters on the ground - have said that sarin has been used, so we are looking for evidence.”
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UK COLUMN: Fake Russian Plots, Fake Syrian Chemical Attacks, Freemason Journalists in Parliament

As BREXIT negotiation continue to go in circles, more phony Russian plots are being spun, along with more dubious reports of supposed ‘chlorine attacks’ are staged by the UK govt-funded White Helmets in Syria, and the uncomfortable truth that there are Freemason Lodges for Journalists working in the UK Parliament, and ITV runs #FakeNews story about Bitcoin.

UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest co-host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE.