chemical weapons

REVEALED: Pentagon’s $70 Million Chemical & Biological Program at Porton Down in UK

In January, 21WIRE published the journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva’s previous report detailing the Pentagon’s extensive overseas biological and chemical weapons facilities in eastern Europe and central Asia and the dangers it poses to surrounding populations. Today we learn that this same threat is much closer to home…

Death and Impunity: Iraq Fifteen Years After

It might have made a bit more than a whimper had the US political scene not found itself in yet another paroxysm of the drama known as the Trump White House.  Fifteen years before, governments aligning with the dogs of war decided, in defiance of millions of protestors globally, to invade a sovereign state.  Papers cheered with blood lust; propagandists and public relations firms were hired to push the politics of regime change in a country that was already hemmed in by sanctions and surveillance.

UK COLUMN: ‘The Skripal Affair’ with guest Dmitry Orlov

What really happened in Salisbury on the morning of March 4, 2018? With the actual forensic evidence still outstanding, will we ever know the full story? Also, a surprise image from the liberation of East Ghouta in Syria, and will Trump’s tariff war with China usher in the TTP and TTIP by fiat? All this and more…
UK Column anchor Mike Robinson and guest host Patrick Henningsen are joined by special Dmitry Orlov from St Petersburg for today’s news round-up. Watch:

RETALIATION: Moscow Expels 23 UK diplomats, Shuts British Council in Russia

In retaliation to British Prime Minister Theresa May’s expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats expelled from the UK over the alleged poisoning of a retired USSR-UK double agent and his daughter, Sergei and Yulia Skripal, the Russian government has ordered reciprocal measures – with 23 UK diplomats ordered to leave on March 20th, according to Russian Ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko.
Together with family members we are talking about some 80 people,” said Yakovenko.