chemical weapons

Eastern Ghouta and the miraculous chemical bombs

According to Syrian rebel sources, amplified by the usual suspects in the propaganda campaign against Syria, the Syrian Army launched a chemical assault on the Douma pocket in Eastern Ghouta on Saturday. However, it was widely predicted that Jaish al Islam, cornered and facing imminent defeat, would launch such a provocation in order to provide […]

Was the Skripal Affair triggered by a gardening accident?

The Skripal Affair and apparent poisoning of Julia and Sergei Skripal have thrown up a lot of theories and the evidence appears confusing and contradictory. The purpose of this article is to outline a possible alternative scenario which accounts for much of the evidence presented in the media and found through open-source investigation. This theory […]

Former OPCW Official: No Conclusive Proof of Russian Complicity in Salisbury Attack

The US and its European allies have coordinated the largest collective expulsion of Russian diplomats in history. Russia has promised to retaliate in kind. Yet despite the sense of certainty around Russian culpability in the Salisbury incident, questions remain around the state of the available evidence.
As contradictory narratives proliferate amidst conflicting Western and Russian government statements and media reports, a clearer picture of the secret history of the nerve agent used in the Salisbury poisonings is emerging.