chemical weapons

Ron Paul’s Liberty Report Talks with Vanessa Beeley in Damascus

Last Friday, the US, UK and France announced that their air forces and navies fired 105 missiles, targeting alleged ‘chemical weapons’ sites in Syria. 
21WIRE associate editor Vanessa Beeley is on the ground in Syria reporting in the aftermath of the US-led missile strikes over the weekend. What’s the real story of the purported gas attack in Douma? How extensive was the damage from US missiles? What will happen with the OPCW investigation?

UK COLUMN: US-UK-France’s Nonexistent Case on Syrian WMDs and More Murdoch Fake News

Going over the Friday night’s post-mortem in Syria, and pondering the Tripartite powers’ apparent decimation of international law. It seems that the US, Britain and France have a lot to answer for now. Meanwhile, the BBC offers a platform to a Syrian terrorist moonlighting as a White Helmet-terrorist, and Rupert Murdoch continues pumping out fake news on Syria.

UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with a break down of this and much more. Watch:

Following Fresh US Sanctions over Syria Ties, Putin Warns Of Global “Chaos” If West Hits Syria Again

Shortly after U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley revealed that Russia would be slapped with a third round of sanctions on Monday for “enabling the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons in civil war,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said that further attacks on Syria by Western forces, “in violation of the U.N. Charter,” would send international relations into “chaos.”

Caught in a lie, US & allies bomb Syria the night before international inspectors arrive

In January 2009, Israel repeatedly fired White Phosphorous on densely-populated areas of Gaza, targeting civilians. This was widely-documented, yet Israel has never been held accountable. America and allies recently bombed Syria on unproven, zero-evidence, allegations that Syria used chemical weapons.

Watch: Russia Predicted a Fake Chemical Attack, US Response Before It Happened

(TFC) – Sometimes bizarre claims by foreign governments are so shocking they are dismissed and never thought of again. But what happens when the events predicted occur exactly as described? A stub of an article published by Reuters on March 13, 2018, almost a month before the purported chemical attack in Ghouta, reads: “Russia said […]

US Bombed Syria as the Chemical Weapons Investigators Arrived

President Trump ordered airstrikes on Syria as a team of experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was about to arrive on Saturday to determine whether a chemical weapons attack had even occurred. (CN) — President Donald Trump on Saturday (Syria time) ordered air strikes against Syria in retaliation for an alleged chemical weapons attack last weekend […]