chemical weapons

Trying to Make Sense of Nonsense: The Douma Chemical Incident & the Attack on Syria..

Am I the only one who can’t quite work out what happened last weekend in Syria or what it’s all supposed to mean? That is, I can’t work out what the US-UK-France Triumvirate (the same Triumvirate that led the intervention against Gaddafi in Libya) was trying to do when it decided to carry out strikes […]

“Locked and Loaded”: What Fresh Pretext Will Trigger US in Syria?

DAMASCUS, SYRIA – Though U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis called the recent strikes targeting Syria a “one-time shot,” recent evidence suggests that the U.S. will likely strike Syria again in the coming weeks and months. Indeed, after the U.S. — along with the U.K. and France – chose to attack Syria based on “evidence” from social media and YouTube purporting to show a chemical weapons attack, U.S. officials warned that the U.S.

Ambassador Peter Ford speaks to Tucker Carlson: ‘The President Has Been Mislead on Douma’

What really happened in Douma? Have the US, UK and French governments been misled by fabricated intelligence, or are these governments involved in the fabrication of that intelligence? Does the western media bear any responsibility for their own willful inability to do their jobs and interrogate their own governments over such a serious matter as military intervention?

Are Chemical Weapons Inspectors Investigating Anything in Syria? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Syrian Ambassador Bashar Jaafari told the UN Security Council on Tuesday that a UN security team has entered the city of Douma. The inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are scheduled to visit on Wednesday. The OPCW inspectors did not visit Monday, and there were a lot of allegations exchanged as to why. […]

Mainstream Journalist Visits Site of Syrian Gas Attack, Questions Official Story

(ANTIMEDIA) — There are more than enough sound reasons to doubt the official narrative on the Syrian conflict and the alleged poison gas attack, according to the Independent’s Robert Fisk, who is currently on the ground in the Syrian city of Douma. While in Douma, Fisk met with Dr. Assim Rahaibani, a Syrian doctor from an underground clinic that emerged as […]

BREAKING: RUSSIAN Military finds chemical weapons storehouse in… Douma

Sputnik News reported a very interesting find that brings up new questions for the West, and, more specifically, the Trump Administration, regarding a chemical weapons storehouse find in Douma, Syria, today.
From this report:

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian troops found a warehouse of substances necessary for the production of chemical weapons in Syrian Douma, media reported Tuesday, citing chemical defense specialist Alexander Rodionov.

One America News Network (OAN) broadcasts from Douma, Syria: “No chemical weapons attack” ever took place

Finally some real American journalism.
One America’s Pearson Sharp visited the war-torn town of Douma outside the capital of Damascus, looking for evidence of a chemical attack.
What did he discover?
All the residents interviewed by OAN in Douma denied all the claims of any sort of chemical attack happening, and say it was staged to help jihadist rebels escape from an advancing Assad army.

The United States hit “chemical weapons factories” with missiles and no poisonous agents were released?

Noting the absence of any toxic emissions from some 60 plus missiles (or so the Pentagon claims) used to take out a deadly chemical weapons factory in Syria, Russian chemical weapons experts told RT that the US must have been well aware that there were no chemical stockpiles at the Syrian facilities the coalition destroyed in their ‘retaliatory’ strike.

Famed War Reporter Robert Fisk Reaches Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’ Site, Concludes “They Were Not Gassed”

Robert Fisk’s bombshell first-hand account for the UK Independent runs contrary to nearly every claim circulating in major international press concerning what happened just over week ago on April 7th in an embattled suburb outside Damascus: not only has the veteran British journalist found no evidence of a mass chemical attack, but he’s encountered multiple local eyewitnesses who experienced the chaos of that night, but who say the gas attack never happened.