chemical weapons

Episode #230 – ‘False Flag Diplomacy’ with Steven Sahiounie, Basil Valentine

Episode #230 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on April 22th 2018 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you a very special LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) – covering all the top news stories worldwide…
5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12am PT (US)

CNN reporter inhales deadly ‘chemical weapons’ on camera: ‘Yeah that stings’

CNN, the world leader in hard hitting, real news (do you sense any irony?), has produced this stupendous report from a refugee camp in Northern Syria, with people it says “survived” the “chemical attack” in Douma earlier this month.
The US, Britain and France alleged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad pointlessly attacked his own people in Douma with sarin nerve agent, prompting the three nations to launch air strikes on Syria on the night of April 13-14th.
CNN correspondent Arwa Damon was at the camp to interview the “survivors” – as well as sample a little sarin herself.

President Trump FURIOUS as holes continue to appear in American Syria narrative

President Donald Trump has been angry quite a bit lately. This seems to be the main theme that is trumpeted on the Trump-hating networks like CNN and the other mainstream news media networks. On the morning of April 18, this author was stunned to see how CNN actually called its own people to all “Stay in the same camp” about Russia and Syria, as the drone of the network continued to try to play Trump as an indecisive leader or a Russian sycophant because he upended his UN Envoy Nikki Haley in refusing to impose new sanctions on Russia.