Chemical weapon

Israel, Iran, and the Nuclear Freight Train

Has a weapon ever been invented, no matter how terrible, and not used?  The crossbow, the dreadnought, poison gas, the tank, the landmine, chemical weapons, napalm, the B-29, the drone: all had their day and for some that day remains now.  Even the most terrible weapon of all, the atomic bomb, that city-buster, that potential [...]

The Real Truth About The Situation In Syria... Western Backed Al Qaeda (CIA-Mossad) "Opposition Rebels" Decimated By Syrian Government Forces: SANA

We have all been watching the so called "civil war" over the last few months in Syria, where the popular Syrian government forces have been fighting against US-Israeli armed murderous mercenaries (so called "rebels") for control over their country...

False Flag to frame Syria: An attack on one NATO nation is an attack on all NATO nations?

Car bomb or multiple bombs have exploded in a Turkish/Syrian border town.And the spinning has begun....3 hours ago: 40 dead in Turkey car bombings near SyriaPeople gather at the site of a blast which killed and injured a number of people in Reyhanli, near Turkey's border with Syria, Saturday, May 11, 2013.

Was Syria "Nuked"? Evidence Now Seems Overwhelmingly... YES!!!!!

In the last report I placed here in this blog yesterday, I linked some damning evidence presented by none other than Jim Stone that showed clearly that Israel's "aerial bombing" of targets in and around Damascus, Syria a few days ago were actually a nuclear attack... Most probably using several small tactical nuclear weapons....