Chemical Manipulation of Humanity

Aluminum in the Brain- Higher Levels Equate to Autism, Alzheimers and MS

The report below was going to be one of two posts today. As you can all read, there was just too much news to pass on. So the 4th report of the day is directly below.And, the previous reports of the day will be relinked at the bottom.

In fact aluminum is the "gold standard" in adjuvants

Technocracy Hard Sell- Smart Cities for Emergency Management

Hard selling (aggressive salesmanship or advertising) of "smart cities" aka open air prisons.Nature

Last December, the Chinese city of Wuhan signed an agreement with the communications giant Huawei to install infrastructure to enhance its security and information services and convert it into a ‘smart city’.

Could the increased presence of 5 G infrastructure had an effect on the health and well being of the Wuhan residents?