Chemical Attack

Pentagon “Clueless” on Trump’s Surprise Warning to Syria Over Chemical Attack

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Last night, White House issued a surprise statement accusing the Syrian government of preparing a chemical weapons attack and threatening to make them pay “a heavy price” for doing so. This immediately suggested another US attack on Syria was imminent. No one saw this coming, including the Pentagon and the State Department.

Russian Foreign Minister Slams OPCW For Failure To Investigate Syrian Chemical Attack

Photograph of men in Khan Sheikdoun, Syria, allegedly inside a crater where a sarin-gas bomb landed on April 4, 2017.
Two months after the alleged chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun in Syria and the US cruise missile strike on Al-Shayrat air base from where the alleged chemical attack was allegedly launched, the OPCW investigators charged with investigating the alleged chemical attack have failed to inspect either location.

Syrian Government Formally Requests UN Investigation Into Chemical Attack

Syrian President Bashar Assad says the Syrian government has formally approached the United Nations, asking it to send in the experts to investigate the April 4 suspected chemical attack.
Assad said in an interview with the Russian state-owned RIA Novosti news agency on Thursday that the U.N. has not sent anyone yet and blamed Western nations and the United States in particular for not allowing the experts to travel to Syria.
Assad insisted that if the experts arrive, they will see that reports of what happened in the Idlib province “were all lies.”

Russia: No Requests For Medicince, Treatment In Aftermath Of Syria Chemical Attack

Close up photograph of the crater that has been shown in numerous mainstream media publications that the White House alleges is proof that the source of the nerve agent attack was the Syrian government.
A puzzling new development has emerged in the aftermath of the alleged chemical weapons incident in Syria’s Idlib Governorate from the 4th of April.
Since the incident, apparently no one in the Khan Shaykhun area in question has asked for any antidotes for exposure to toxic sarin gas, the chemical allegedly deployed on the 4th of April.

Russian Defence Minsitry: No one has asked for antidotes or medicines around location of alleged Idlib chemical attack

A puzzling new development has emerged in the aftermath of the alleged chemical weapons incident in Syria’s Idlib Governorate from the 4th of April.
Since the incident, apparently no one in the Khan Shaykhun area in question has asked for any antidotes for exposure to toxic sarin gas, the chemical allegedly deployed on the 4th of April.
Many have consequently questioned whether the images presented of sarin gas victims were entirely inauthentic.