Chellie Pingree

The Keystone XL Pipeline May Be Dead, But Corrupt Democrats Like Patrick Murphy Who Backed It Aren't

Yesterday President Obama succumbed to the same pressure from serious activists that made Hillary Clinton switch positions on the Keystone XL Pipeline a month or so ago. Friday morning he announced that the 7-year "review" of the Keystone XL Pipeline project was over and that the controversial and dangerous Pipeline would not be built.

Was Trumpy Right About Carly Fiorina? Let's Look At That Face From A Planned Parenthood Perspective

Maybe when Trump looked at Fiorina's face and made the infamous and sexist remark, he wasn't talking about her being "ugly" per se, but about the twisted inner ugliness that was on display for the whole country during Wednesday night's CNN debate. DO LOOK AT THAT FACE-- it was twisted, contorted and misshapen in the same way Hitler's was when he was trying to manipulate large audiences.Fiorina was forcefully asserting that the blatant lies she was spouting were A Truth worth fighting for.

The State Of Play-- November's Maine Senate Contest

My two favorite senators are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. They both have phenomenal records, not just on voting, but on leading. No one's perfect though. Bernie, for example, endorsed anti-choice Michigan reactionary Jerry Cannon, the former commandante of the Guantánamo gulag. What does that say about Bernie? Not much; just that he's human and makes mistakes.

Maine's Tea Party Governor Paul LePage Wants To Abolish Child Labor Laws

Politics isn't something polite people people discuss at dinner, especially not with strangers. Not since high school when the class year book referred to me as gallant, has anyone accused me of being polite. The first day of my Galapagos cruise a few weeks ago, we hadn't even boarded the ship yet when I ferreted out that one of my fellow passengers was not just a Republican from Chicago, but a Republican from Chicago enamored of Rahm Emanuel!