
Woolsey Fire started at Santa Susana Field Lab — where “radioactive materials released were never accurately measured”

By John Laforge | CounterPunch | November 30, 2018 In my Nov. 16 column, I reported on potential radiation risks posed by California’s Woolsey wildfire having burned over parts or all of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory—south of Simi Valley, Calif., 30 miles outside Los Angeles—site of at least four partial or total nuclear reactor […]

Cops Taze 87-Year-Old Great-Grandmother for Using a Knife to Cut Dandelions

(ANTIMEDIA) — Police in Chatsworth, Georgia, tasered an 87-year-old woman after an employee at the local Boys and Girls Club called them to complain that she was carrying a knife and looking to cut vegetation on their property. The caller said Martha al-Bishara did not appear to be a threat. “She’s old so she can’t get around too well,” […]