Chatham House

Towards a Church of the British Empire: World Government as British Empire Revivalism

On May 6, 2023 Charles will be coronated as the new King of Britain and the broader British Commonwealth under the title King Charles III. At the ceremony, the Archbishop of Canterbury will expand Charles’ role from ‘defender of the faith’ — a title established by Henry VIII nearly five centuries ago, to the new Read More...

Why British foreign policy think tanks defend the status quo

Why British foreign policy think tanks defend the status quoby Ian SinclairMorning Star29 March 2023 Though it hasn’t received any coverage in the mainstream media, new academic research raises serious questions about British foreign policy think tanks and their influence on policymaking and public debate. Published in the peer-reviewed International Relations journal, the article from […]

Qatar: what the media isn’t reporting

Qatar: what the media isn’t reportingby Ian SinclairMorning Star21 November 2022 ‘Qatar Struggles To Shift Focus Away From Workers’ Rights’. The headline in the Financial Times earlier this month confirms PR-savvy Qatar, hyper aware of the soft power boost hosting the 2022 football World Cup could be expected to create, is having trouble controlling the […]

After a Fawning Netflix Doc, AOC Still Doesn’t Get It!

Headline news, no: “AOC Casts House Democrats’ Sole Vote Against Omnibus Spending Bill: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez cited ‘the dramatic increase in DHS and ICE spending’ as the reason behind her vote.” Oh, wouldn’t it be a fine thing in the neighborhood if this AOC went rogue, Independent Party, on her hands and knees, and apologizing: I […]
The post After a Fawning Netflix Doc, AOC Still Doesn’t Get It! first appeared on Dissident Voice.