Charlottesville Demonstration

On Anti-Semitism And Anti-Zionism: Charlottesville Through A Glass Darkly

I suggest that Zionists fond of smearing critics of Israel as ‘anti-Semites’ take a sobering look at the VICE news clip of the white nationalist torch march through the campus of the University of Virginia the night before the lethal riot in Charlottesville. In this central regard, anti-Semitism, and its links to Naziism and Fascism, and now to Trumpism, are genuinely menacing,[Read More...]

Statues In Defeat: The Confederacy, Treason And History

Statues of historical weight tend to represent heroism – of sorts. It might be of the doomed variety, and often is.  Rebellious causes assume the visage of a stony form, to gaze soullessly across promenades or parks, often ignored by many who have long lost a sense of their meaning. In history, their removal is an act that flies directly[Read More...]

When Will The United States Transcend White Supremacy?

  Now that the violence in Charlottesville has forced “white supremacy” into our political vocabulary, let’s ask an uncomfortable question: “When will the United States transcend white supremacy?” My question isn’t, “What should we do about the overt white supremacists who, emboldened by Trumpism’s success, have pushed their way back into mainstream politics?” I want to go beyond easy targets[Read More...]

Our Fight Against Fascism

When editor-in-chief of the Atlantic Jeffrey Goldberg asserts that “the struggle in Charlottesville is a struggle within our own civilization, within Trump’s own civilization,” and that in the wake of such events “an American president should speak up directly on behalf of the American creed, on behalf of Americans who reject tribalism and seek pluralism, on behalf of the idea[Read More...]

Everything We Do Matters, But Two Things Are Critical

If you’re not familiar with the run-up to the Charlottesville demonstration, let me briefly outline what has happened. It started with some people announcing a protest of the removal of a statue honoring a Confederate general. It quickly became apparent this was going to be something big, an orgy of white supremacy. So, with that a call came to create a[Read More...]

Charlottesville And Beyond

The violent display of white supremacist power at the “Unite the Right” rally by a gathering of men and women openly proclaiming that America is for the whites with slogans such as “you will not replace us” and “Jew will not replace us” directed against the minorities and the democratic minded people of the country and the city is outrageous[Read More...]