Charlotte Pritt

West Virginia Has A Candidate Running For Governor At Least As Bad As Trump-- And He Calls Himself A Democrat!

Charlotte Pritt With TweedleDee and TweedleDumLast month, we took a quick look at the three-way race for governor in West Virginia, a race that pits progressive Democrat, Charlotte Pritt, running on the Mountain Party, against two corrupt conservatives-- garden variety reactionary Republican Bill Cole vs fake Democrat J

In West Virginia There's A Democrat So Far To The Right That Not Even Daily Kos Would Endorse Him

Charlotte Pritt, the real Democrat in the West Virginia gubernatorial raceLast May, West Virginia was Bernie territory. The Democratic primary-- which drew about 40,000 more voters than the Republican primary-- saw Bernie sweep every single county in the state. Statewide it was Bernie 123,860 (51.4%) to Hillary 86,354 (35.8%). Unfortunately for Hillary, many Bernie voters have told pollsters that they would vote for Trump rather than her.