Charles Pierce

Will Ryan Postpone The TrumpCare Vote Again Today?

Would it change your negative feelings towards Trump voters-- not the racists, the others-- if you understood the "sea of despair" their lives have become? That's how the Washington Post described their state of mind yesterday, based largely on a new report from the Brookings Institution, Mortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century.

The GOP Would Have No Chance To Hold Their House Majority Against A Competent DCCC... But Today They Have No Chance To Lose It

A gaggle of silly Beltway pundit types decided to raise the specter of a Trump candidacy putting the Republican House majority in jeopardy. I wonder who they're trying to fool. A competent DCCC-- which would take at least a year to build, possibly longer-- could win back the majority in two cycles without Trump, one cycle with Trump (or Cruz).

Time For A Good House Cleaning In South Florida? Ready To Say "See Ya" To Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

In one of her typically dishonest campaign e-mails, this one just an hour ago, a panic-stricken Wasserman Schultz wrote: "Yes, it’s only January, but this race has already had its share of firsts-- and none of them are good. Last year was the earliest I’ve had an opponent file to run against me and the earliest I’ve had ads targeting me in my career.

Was Trumpy Right About Carly Fiorina? Let's Look At That Face From A Planned Parenthood Perspective

Maybe when Trump looked at Fiorina's face and made the infamous and sexist remark, he wasn't talking about her being "ugly" per se, but about the twisted inner ugliness that was on display for the whole country during Wednesday night's CNN debate. DO LOOK AT THAT FACE-- it was twisted, contorted and misshapen in the same way Hitler's was when he was trying to manipulate large audiences.Fiorina was forcefully asserting that the blatant lies she was spouting were A Truth worth fighting for.

The New Dems And Backward Trade Policies-- TPP

Wall Street and Big Business, usually thought of as an integral part of the Republican Party, finances The New Dem faction of the House Democratic caucus to ensure that they have their fingers in the internal affairs of both parties. Currently there are 46 New Dems in the House and, generally speaking, they tend to be the most conservative Democrats in the House, the ones who back corporate/Wall Street policies and the Republican agenda.