
Study: Rosemary Oil Could Help Improve Your Memory

Older adults who suffer from memory loss may be helped by something as simple as sniffing rosemary essential oil, according to researchers at the University of Northumbria. Peppermint may help seniors regain lost memories, too.
Filling a home with these pleasant, natural scents could be life-saving for seniors who sometimes forget to take their medications.

7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Herbs to Reduce Stress

In the documentary created by National Geographic and researchers from Stanford University, Stress, Portrait of a Killer, experts outline just how deadly stress can be. (Watch the documentary below.) The good news, though, is that there are numerous natural herbs and supplements that can reduce stress without causing as many (if any) side effects or other mental health conditions as many pharmaceutical psychotropic meds do.
Here are 7 natural anti-anxiety herbs for reducing anxiety and stress (and the documentary video).