Trump And Ryan-- The Destroyers Of Regulations That Protect Americans From Greed And Avarice

Did anyone ever really believe Trump's idiotic campaign promises to drain the swamp that he personifies or hold Wall Street-- which now runs his regime-- accountable? If so... how tragic! Late Tuesday evening Trump had Mike Pence break the 50-50 tie in the Senate that will now allow banks more leeway to prey on their customers without fear of sanctions. That it even got to a point where the GOP-controlled Senate needed a tie-breaking vote from Pence was strange.

The GOP Ramps Up Their War Against Consumer Protections While Everyone Is Looking At The Horrors Of Trump And TrumpCare

The vote in the House Tuesday evening was 231-190. Every Republican but Walter Jones of North Carolina voted to hamper the ability of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect bank customers from the kinds of systemic abuse and predatory behavior that led directly to Bush's Great Recession and destroyed the financial stability of millions of American families.

Corrupt Congressional Conservatives Are Making Their Move To Unleash Wall Street Predators On Society Again

Are you stunned to see Trump's sinking poll numbers? You should be. A newly elected president has never had a reaction from the country like his. His first week in office and 35% of Americans already thought he should be impeached. That rose to 40% last week and then 46% this week!

Señor Trumpanzee Has Plans For The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau-- No More Protection For Consumers

This was an exciting week. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet, but the Republicans and the conservative Dems who back their reactionary agenda are already moving rapidly in Congress towards the reactionary policies they stand for. Most of the ink has been going towards Republican Party plans to re-do-- or at least wreck-- the healthcare system.

Did Hillary Force #DebtTrapDebbie And Patrick Murphy To Stop Backing The Koch Brothers Payday Lenders Bill?

#DebtTrapDebbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't want to be called #DebtTrapDebbie any more. She may have realized it's been hurting her chances for winning reelection in her formerly impregnable South Florida redoubt. So in the last couple of days, she and the corrupt pipsqueak that started all this trouble-- Patrick Murphy, the Democratic lead sponsor of the pay day lenders bill-- withdrew their support for a bill they've both been trying to talk other Democrats into voting for.

Are We Entitled To Be Sure The Government Will Protect Us From Licensed Financial Predators-- Ask Elizabeth Warren

Because of the systemic corruption of careerist pols like Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Chris Van Hollen, etc, many Democrats have become so fed up with America's politicians that some are coming around to the Republican position that government is hopeless and useless. But then you see the exceptions-- real public servants like Alan Grayson, Donna Edwards, Ted Lieu and-- as you can see in the video above-- Elizabeth Warren.