certifiably insane Republicans

Is drug use among right-wingers perhaps even heavier than we've been imagining?

Yes, it's our old pal Rep. Steve "Nuttier Than Any Fruitcake" King (R-IA)! The Fruitcake Man opened his giant yap, so you know there must be trouble.by KenThe craziness is out there, and it's getting crazier. A few simple click-through's on Daily Kos's "Recommended" list brought me this daily sampling. Do I need to add that this almost random sampling could be multiplied by thousands?THE HOUSE GOP'S NEW GO-TO GUY ONIMMIGRATION? GOD'S REP.

Despite right-wingers' decades-long war on U.S. vets, they expect Americans to gobble up their lies -- and they're probably right

by KenSo Shinseki is gone as VA Sec, no doubt inevitably, and possibly deservedly, though we'll probably never know, since the psychotic lying scumbags who have been leading the assault on him not only are incapable of speaking a word of truth but have now effectively substituted their psychotic lying scumbag agenda for any possible consideration of discovery of truth and fixing it.