
Do Status Quo Joe And Mayo Pete Have Dreams Beyond Their Own Career Trajectories?

I don’t want to imagine what kind of horrible cabinet a conservative like Biden-- or even Mayo Pete-- might select. Both represent the transpartisan status quo establishment and, as Biden, famously assured a roomful of Wall Street banksters as he kicked off his campaign, if he’s elected nothing would fundamentally change.

More Centrists-- The Arena Has Nothing To Offer

Anti-ideology advocate Jason Kander had a cool video... and lostI've talked with Andy Kim a few times on the phone. A little straight laced for me but Andy is a former Obama White House national security official who coordinated the fight against ISIS inside the National Security Council. Before that, he worked at the Pentagon, the State Department and in Afghanistan as a strategic adviser to General David Petraeus.

Democrats have totally lost the centre ground in American politics

There is a real possibility that the Democratic Party of the United States, has surrendered any hope of attaining the centre-ground for at least generation.
Throughout most of the 20th century, both major US parties attempted to appeal to different interpretations of the centre.
The Republicans were broadly centre right but shunned the far-rightism of organisations like the John Birch Society.
Likewise, the Democrats were centre-left whilst rejecting organisations of the far left;  groups like Students for a Democratic Society.