central banking

Billionaire ‘Bilderberger’ David Rockefeller dead at 101

The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power – political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical.”
– Senator Barry Goldwater, from his book ‘With No Apologies’

‘World Government’: A Former ‘Conspiracy’ Myth is Now Emerging from the Shadows

By Mark Anderson
‘Stop the Presses’ News & Commentary
The “subtly” named “World Government Summit,” which started Feb. 12 and ran through Feb. 14 in Abu Dubai, United Arab Emirates, included a few Bilderberg Group and World Economic Forum (WEF) members, such as WEF founder Klaus Schwab and frequent Bilderberg attendee Christine Lagarde, longtime International Monetary Fund chief.

Nomi Prins Explains The Central Bankers’ Game of Thrones

Today James talks to Nomi Prins, author of books like All The Presidents Bankers, about her recent article “The Central Bank Power Shift from West to East, Game of Thrones Style.” We talk about the changing economic and monetary landscape and how the locus of central bank power is shifting to the East, with players like the People’s Bank of China gaining in prominence and former US/EU lapdogs like the IMF becoming brokers for these new power players in the new world financial order.

Interview 1229 – Nomi Prins Explains The Central Bankers’ Game of Thrones

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2016-11-22%20Nomi%20Prins.mp3"][/audio]Today James talks to Nomi Prins, author of books like All The Presidents Bankers, about her recent article "The Central Bank Power Shift from West to East, Game of Thrones Style." We talk about the changing economic and monetary landscape and how the locus of central bank power is shifting to the East, with players like the People's Bank of China gaining in prominence and former US/EU lapdogs like the IMF becoming brokers for these

JaysAnalysis: Japan in the New World Order

Sean from Japan joins me to give his analysis of the recent bizarre news stories of stabbings, and how this may relate to larger geopolitical motives. We cover the history of Japan’s westernization and World War 2, shadow banking and hidden hoards of gold, the relationship of Japanese elites to Korea, the drug trade, black markets, Asian mafias and how these subjects relate to staged news.