Cell Phone Cam

NYPD Officers Arrest US Postal Worker On Duty Delivering Packages Who Criticized Them (UPDATED)

The video going viral of a New York City postal worker was arrested while on duty by NYPD after objecting to their driving in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn has just surfaced, as you can see below.
UPDATE: “Our agency is aware of the incident,” says Matt Modafferi of the United States Postal Service Office of the Inspector General, “We have an investigation that’s ongoing, at this point, that’s all that I can comment on.”

WATCH: NYPD Unmarked Police Car Wrecked Dirt Bike Rider From Behind

“He just crashed him just now,” said the witness off camera
“Jurnowski, are you alright,” asked an officer.
“Why are you asking if he’s alright, when he just crashed him?” asked another witness as five NYPD cops in uniform descended on the scene.
“We got it on tape!” yelled the witness as officers demanded that citizens recording the fallen dirt biker recorded the scene.

Florida Sheriff’s Deputies Seize PINAC Reporter’s Cameras and iPhone Without Warrant

Florida sheriff’s deputies seized and won’t return the iPhone and camera they confiscated from PINAC reporter Jeff Gray, even though none of them contain relevant videos of his dubious arrest while protesting.
The videos were all transmitted to Bambuser’s web service live last week, so they failed in their attempt to keep the videos from being seen by the public.

Kansas Trump Rally Supporter Declares Racial Holy War, Says “Go To Auschwitz” to Dutch Journalist

A Kansas Trump rally supporter declared, “RaHoWa” an anti-semetic word coined in 1987 meaning Racial Holy War” to a Dutch journalist, and repeated it before revealing his true intentions to a non-white supremacist as you can see as the video shows in under 18 seconds down below.
The still unidentified Trump supporter told the semetic-looking journalist from northern Europe to “Go To Auschwitz” twice as he departed the rally.

LOOK: Chicago Votes Suppressed by Poll Workers Hiding Republican Primary Ballot

“You know damn well our votes are being stolen. This is voter suppression,” declared Olga Lory Gomez three minutes into the video below.
Five Chicago residents, including Olga Lory Gomez Gutierrez, wanted to vote in the Republican primary which is their choice, but the precinct judge didn’t want to give her the proper ballot, and the poll workers at her precinct did little more useful than tell her that photography is a crime to chase them away after they wasted a morning finding a ballot.

WATCH: Florida Deputy Illegally Arrests PINAC Reporter Protesting At High School (UPDATED III)

UPDATE III – March 15th, 3:30pm – Jeff Gray has been released, finally, from St. Johns County Jail.  Here is his statement
“I am out of jail and safely at home. I walked out of jail around 1pm today 3/15/16. I was treated well by SJSO Jail staff. I want to thank everybody for their support and calls to the jail. Word got back to me that the phone lines were melting.”

Georgia Cop Illegally Arrests Passenger Recording During Broken Tail Light “Investigation”

A video surfaced this weekend showing fast-talking, southern Georgia cop arresting a college student, just for being the passenger in a car with a broken tail light, after refusing to participate in the cop’s sham “investigation” of a minor traffic infraction.
It would spiral of control in under three minutes.
The cop started the traffic stop by saying, “You’d better step out of the vehicle, ma’am,” to ‘Kaylin’, the properly seat-belted driver – whose name we learned from the video you can see below.

Baltimore City School Officer Charged For Assault In Viral Video, Faces 35 Year Sentence (UPDATED)

Once again, a viral video has led to criminal charges for a Baltimore cop, and this officer was fired from another agency for police brutality already in 2002.
This time, it’s serious.
Baltimore City School Officer Anthony Spence, was in the viral-video you can see below which PINAC News reported last week, hitting a student, along with Officer Saverna Bias, the other officer in the video whose identity has been verified.

14 Baltimore Cops Raid Local Bar for Faulty Water Heater Without Search Warrant, Shut It Down

Fourteen cops from the Baltimore City Police vice squad were caught on camera this past February 6th, raiding a local bar, then abruptly shutting it down for business at midnight on a Friday night, after finding an alleged code violation, and all without any warrant, notice or apparent authority of any sort from the police officers.
Nicolas Ramos owns the 40-seat local bar “La Rumba”, and had the presence of mind to capture video of the probably unlawful raid, and to give the cops a big piece of his mind in the 4 minute recording below.