Cell Phone Cam

Florida Trooper Busted Watching YouTube While Driving by Hawk-eyed Military Vet

The Florida Trooper busted watching YouTube videos of cars racing while driving, was exposed on Facebook by a Lee County resident and military veteran, who gave a priceless interview to his local news outlet, which you can see below.
“It blew my mind.”
No further comment by James Peebles to his local NBC affiliate could describe the situation, but he managed to capture it in a photo which vent viral on Facebook earlier this week.

South Carolina Killer Cop Bonds Out of Jail, He Killed Walter Scott in Video

The South Carolina killer cop who vaulted official police lies and murder into the national spotlight, has been given pre-trial bond, after being arrested and held since last April, for the video which went viral and you can see below.
It’s been almost a year to the day since North Charleston officer Michael Slager killed Walter Scott, and it was revealed in a video given by witness Fiedlin Santana to the New York Times.

GRAPHIC: California Social Worker Arrested for Murdering Neighbor’s Dog

A California social worker killed his neighbor’s dog in an incident caught on video, which is going viral on Facebook.
Southern California resident Alexis Lemmon posted the video late this past Saturday night – which you can see below – and it’s already been viewed over 100,000 times.
Lemmon’s ominous caption about the man who murdered her father’s dog with a rifle says it all:

WATCH: Florida Man Holding “Death To America” Sign Beat Senseless

“Because of Obama’s policies” read the other side, inspiring his fellow north Florida man to beat the everlasting hell out of him, and try to steal the sign.
Old fashioned “Sharpie clickbait” drove another Florida man named “Larry” into a sign stealing, protester beating rage.
So, Charles Brownett was attacked for exercising his 1st Amendment free speech rights.
But he plans to return very soon.
And all of the action was caught on a cell phone video that’s going viral.
Because “Larry” clearly needed that sign, more than words can say.

Bald Knob Police Chief Cuts Federal Gun Felony Plea Deal, Not Charged With Arson for Torching Own Truck

“Brand New, I will take $800 for it.”
Fateful words that led Bald Knob Police Chief Erek Balantine to cut felony plea deal with prosecutors.
The Arkansas police chief burned his own personal vehicle, writing “2 Amendment” in spray paint to try and deflect attention from stealing a shiny new shotgun donated to the police department for auction.
The sentencing hearing is pending.
Former Bald Knob Police Chief Erek Balantine resigned in “fear for his family’s safety,” his last day was October 5th, 2015.

Wisconsin Teen Girl Pepper Sprayed at Trump Rally, After Throwing Punch, By Man With Red Hat (UPDATED)

A 15-year old girl at a Trump rally was pepper sprayed in the face, after tossing a jab at someone off-camera, while surrounded by a horde of Wisconsin supporters of the Republican candidate for President.
As you can see in the video below, numerous other people recorded the incident at a political rally in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Now, local authorities are seeking to identify the person wielding the pepper spray.
He wasn’t the guy punched.

Arizona Deputies Claim Protester’s Open Safety Pin Prick is Felonious Assault

Arizona deputies must’ve feared for their lives, when a protester’s open safety pin contacted their delicate pink flesh as you can see in the video going viral below.
They arrested the protester who was attending an Arizona House of Representatives hearing, wearing an Anonymous mask over his head, not covering his face, as lawmakers discussed the voter suppression fiasco at this month’s Presidential primary vote.

San Francisco State University Student Assaults Student Recording Argument About Hair

“Why are you filming this?”
A San Francisco State University student asked those famous last words before assaulting the fellow student recording her spat with a young man, all because he wears his hair in dreadlocks as you can see in the 45 second video below which is going viral.
“For everyone’s safety,” replied the student recording the tiff.
The entire argument revolved around the student’s alleged “cultural appropriation” by keeping a hair style – dreadlocks – which came from Egypt.

GRAPHIC: Georgia Man Blows Own Leg Off Shooting Tannerite Target in Old Lawnmower

“I blew my leg off!” yelled the Georgia man after his 20th assault rifle round landed on target, blowing up an old lawnmower.
Absolutely, 100 percent do NOT try this at home.
Exercising your 2nd Amendment Constitutional rights should always take second place to valuing your own life and limb, but this foolhardy rifleman forgot that and is paying the price.
“Get an ambulance!” his two friends exclaimed in the video which is going viral below.