The CBC Could Do A LOT Better Than Marcia Fudge-- And Should

Proving that she can’t read through an amendment that consists of one single sentence, Congressional Black Caucus chair, Marcia Fudge, declared at the annual CBC Legislative Conference last week that she and her lamer members had voted with the House leadership and the money-grubbing shills of the Military Industrial Complex against Grayson’s amendment to curtail the militarization of the local police “because it was a dumb amendment.” No wonder

CBC and Obama: Unacceptable

On Friday afternoon, hundreds of people gathered in front of the building which houses Canada’s state media, the CBC. An article in the CBC of the same day explains why the people of Halifax were disgusted; its subtitle quotes United States president Barack Obama: “’No nation should accept rockets fired into its borders,’ Obama says of Israel’s ground push.”

Canada’s public broadcaster, CBC.ca, blocked my comment on Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling on Jewish racism in Israel

This has now happened three times, with moderators at CBC.ca blocking my fact-based comments about Israel. First, in pointing out the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s comment about Gentiles existing to serve Jews, on an article about his passing. In that case, I actually provided a link to my sources, whereas someone else’s comment without a […]

Why was the Toronto Yonge/York Mills office stabbing reported by MSN Canada three hours before they said it happened?

From the News.ca.msn.com article, As many as 5 stabbed in Yonge/York Mills office in Toronto, we see an updated time of 10:36:03 GMT, which would be 6:36:03 AM EDT in Toronto. Here is a screen capture I made of three articles in a Google search for “stabbing york mills”, showing two articles posted after the […]

Canada Is The Worse Israel Butt Kissing Country On Earth: Canada Contributes To Illegal Occupation Of Palestine - Harper's Conservatives Promote Military Ties To Israel!

I had just put up an amazing video in my last article that shows the truth about how Canada now shows itself openly as being nothing more than Israel's b*tch.   I have long said that this proud nation has now slid down the road to tyranny and the Harper government in Ottawa does nothing more than obey anything that Israel demands and desires.... It is absolutely sickening to behold...Now I discover that there is more to this sad story about how my Canada is on the road to ruin with its outright and tragic support for the criminally psychotic state of Israel....