Another Horribly Corrupt PAC Backs Hillary, Attacks Bernie

How does anyone determine who the most corrupt Member of Congress is? Not even counting Republicans-- another universe of self-justified ideological crookedness-- Congress is such a rat's nest of career criminals that every time you focus in on a Debbie Wasserman Schultz or a Steve Israel, up pops a Donald Norcross, an Alcee Hastings, a Patrick Murphy or a Sean Patrick Maloney.

Canadian national broadcaster and professor ask if British Columbia should change its name

As a sign of the times of cultural Marxism run amok, and on the public dime, no less, from the November 20, 2014 article on Canada’s national broadcaster, the CBC, they had the audacity to ask whether Canada’s third most populous province, British Columbia, should change its name, in part due to changing demographics. “Have […]