Cathy Kunkel

Trump, Mentally Impaired From COVID-19 Treatments, Orders McConnell And McCarthy To Stop Negotiating With Democrats About A Pandemic Relief Bill

 Active Shooter by Nancy Ohanian Yesterday, Democrats on Congress' Joint Economic Committee put out a statement reminding people that "In the early months of the coronavirus crisis, prominent former officials from both Democratic and Republican administrations released a public letter stating that 'saving lives and saving the economy are not in conflict right now; we will hasten the return to robust

McConnell Is Blocking Simple Non-Financial Aid To The Marijuana Industry... As Though He Were Still Living In The 1950s

As you know by now, on Friday House Democrats (+ Long Island Republican Pete King) passed a $3 trillion HEROES relief bill that is now being assessed by the Republican leaders in the Senate. But what you might not know is that the bill includes provisions for cannabis banking.

Dems Have A Plan-- Republicans Refuse To Read It And Reject It Out Of Hand

L.A. County announced that stay at home orders would remain in place 'til at least August 1. I don't see much enforcement in L.A. and everything I read indicates that outside the Bay Area there's no real enforcement anywhere. For example, Elon Musk, the selfish white South African billionaire-- and asshole-- still hasn't been arrested for reopening his factory. And California wonders why the numbers just keep climbing and climbing. A few weeks ago, California only had 880 or so cases per million. Those days are gone.