
HOT DEBATE! New Revelation Cults?? Trinity in OT? Gnostic GODS?? Atheist Ontology? -Jay Dyer

We return to HOT debate with a few gnostics, some protestants and some questions about is/ought and atheism’s value claims. WE got deep into comparative religion, the Trinity and the Torah, the fiilioque, nihilism and morals, logical contradictions and much, much more! Sign up for Richard Grove’s newest course on becoming self sufficient as a […]

Introduction to Philosophy: Aristotle – Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Tonight we will examine the introductory elements of Aristotle and consider how he was highly influential on the Eastern fathers, especially St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus.  Together with the Neoplatonists, we want to uncover the delicate balance of ferreting out pagan assumptions from truth. Fr Dcn. Dr. Ananias can be found here. Tonight at 5PM CST! 

Stefan Molyneux Vs. Jay Dyer Debate: Philosophy & Its Claims!

As many of you have requested for several years, Stefan Molyneux has agreed to have an unmoderated conversational exchange and debate on the nature of philosophy itself, logic, epistemic claims, the value of “sense data” and empiricism, and much more!  Tune in to his channel at 8PM EST followed by a Q n A.  Not sure where this chat will go, but it should be lively!

Does God Exist? DEBATE: Jay Dyer Vs Robert Taylor – PARTS 1 & 2

Part 1

Part 2

Robert’s Channel PraxGirl is here. 

The knock down secret argument of praxeologist Robert Taylor is here to stump me! I invited him on to let him set up the challenge that it’s logically impossible for there to be a God. I haven’t heard his argument but he issued a challenge and we will see what he brings to the table.

(Half) Republic Bk. VI: The Noetic Light of the Intelligible Sun

In Book VI of the Republic we begin to discover the deeper metaphysics of Plato, where geometry and mathematics provide the means by which the truth of the higher realms can be seen by analogy.  Socrates engages in a bitter critique of the sophists and their pseudo-philosophy of crowd-pleasing and beastly, herd-like nonsense, lacking any real philosophical education.  Rather, the true philosopher is spoken of as grasping the Noetic Light of the Good, the true Sun of the Intelligible realm.