Carly Fiorina

GOP Nomination Fight-- How Do You Keep Track Who The Biggest Freak Or Clown Of The Day Actually Is?

Carly: "Politics is a fact-free zone"Rand Paul's now infamous rant and meme the other day about Trump being a "clown" who is "unfit" to be president followed a similar screed by Marco Rubio that Trump's campaign was nothing more than a "freak show." Both senators were correct, of course, but either could have been just as easily referring to another self-serving/self-entitled GOP multimillionaire with grand political ambitions: failed business executive and p

There's Got To Be More To Carly Fiorina Than Just Trying To Tell Bigger, More Bombastic Lies Than Donald Trump, No?

Rand Paul's now infamous rant and meme the other day about Trump being a "clown" who is "unfit" to be president, followed a similar screed by Marco Rubio that Trump's campaign was nothing more than a "freak show." Both senators were correct, of course, but either could have been just as easily referring to another self-serving/self-entitled GOP multimillionaire with grand political ambitions: failed business executive and professional victim, Carly Fiorina.

Mass Media: Raise Your Expectations for Your Country

The mass media, with usual exceptions, have allowed themselves to be pulled down to the level of the political circus. If the Republican Party’s early primary campaigns for the presidential nomination had an elephant and a clown car, Ringling Brothers would be in trouble. It is hard for the Republican presidential candidates to resist temptation, defined by hyping an entertainment circus led by the chief circus barker – Donald Trump of gambling casino fame.

Foreign Policy by Intimidation

GOP Candidates Show How It’s Done By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • September 22, 2015 The media are anointing former Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Carly Fiorina as the winner of last Wednesday’s second Republican presidential-aspirant debate. They are saying that she was the best prepared and most convincing speaker, and, indeed, maybe she was. But […]

How Badly Does Carly Fiorina, The Pundits' Pick For GOP Nominee, Suffer From Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

We've all had a friend like Carly Fiorina once in our lives. Once is enough, though. Oddly enough, just 1% of Americans are afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder-- so that makes two 1% problems for Fiorina. The illness describes a condition in which a person is excessively preoccupied with power, prestige and vanity and-- worst of all-- is utterly incapable of empathy or of even recognizing the damage they cause around them.