Carlos Lozada

Essential Trumpism Defined: "There Is An Upside To Ignorance And A Downside To Knowledge"

 Justice Is Served by Nancy Ohanian The new CNN poll was a doozy. Trump continues sinking as more and more voters tune in to what's at stake and what kind of a organized crime-based presidency he's been running. Among likely voters, Trump's at an even lower point than he was before the debate-- 41% to Biden's 57%.

Can Truth Survive Trump? WaPo Fails to Ask How Well Truth Was Doing to Begin With

By Dean Baker | FAIR | July 16, 2018 Carlos Lozada, the nonfiction book critic for the Washington Post, promised “an honest investigation” of whether truth can survive the Trump administration in the lead article in the paper’s Sunday Outlook section. He delivered considerably less. The Washington Post fails. But, hey, it’s the Washington Post. […]