
Critics of Biden As Being a ‘Progressive’ Are Mistaken

Big difference between liberals and progressives is that, since liberals respect wealth as reflecting merit (and therefore look down upon the poor as being necessarily less worthy than the rich), they explain social problems as being due far more to conflict between ethnicities than to conflict between the rich versus the poor.

Solzhenitsyn: Everyone’s Pain in the Neck

When you are too close to something, someone, you are not the best analyst. Your feelings get in the way. You reveal more about who you are than who or what you love/hate. But you can see better from afar. That sums up Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who, despite accurately predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union, […]
The post Solzhenitsyn: Everyone’s Pain in the Neck first appeared on Dissident Voice.

BlackRock, Vanguard & Co – How the New Capitalist Players Are Acting Against Labour, Environment and International Law and How They Use the Corona-Pandemic

The unregulated shadow banks are now the owners of even the regulated big banks, but also of, for example, all the big digital corporations. At the same time, BlackRock & Co have managed to remain virtually unknown to the general public.

What happens when faith overrides sense ?

The severity of the second wave and the government’s unpreparedness demonstrate the limits of ‘strong’ leadership and religion-based politics. It was 1527, and Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation, wrote a letter advising a Lutheran leader what a believer should do during an epidemic. Europe was in the deadly grip of the bubonic plague … Continue reading What happens when faith overrides sense ? →

Caught in a Propaganda Mad House

The fully developed bureaucratic apparatus compares with other organizations exactly as does the machine with the non-mechanical modes of production. The organization of offices follows the principle of hierarchy … each lower office is under the control and supervision of a higher one. — Max Weber, Economy and Society, 1922 This doesn’t infer private companies, organizations, […]
The post Caught in a Propaganda Mad House first appeared on Dissident Voice.