
STOP UNLAWFUL DEMOLITIONS IN DELHI: Women’s groups, other groups, and concerned citizens of Delhi

Letter of Deep Distress and Concern to THE LG OF DELHI, CM OF DELHI, COMMISSIONER, MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF DELHI Stop Unlawful Demolitions in Delhi; Compensate, Rehabilitate, Restore Livelihoods of the Affected Immediately We, the undersigned, wish to express our deep concern at the bulldozer-led demolitions carried out by various municipal corporations in Delhi.

May Day is International ‘Thank a Worker’ Day

“As far as I’m concerned, those people don’t exist.” — Arizona Republican Governor Jack Williams, telling farm workers they’d be arrested if they were to strike and boycott during harvest seasons (May 1972). May Day harkens back to celebrations of spring, a renewal and fertility. In Rome, I witnessed one such event: the festival of […]
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Localization: An Alternative to the New Normal   

Colin Todhunter ‘World Localization Day’ will be celebrated on 20 June. Organised by the non-profit Local Futures, this annual coming together of people from across the world began in 2020 and focuses on the need to localise supply-chains and recover our connection with nature and community. The stated aim is to: galvanize the worldwide localization movement …

Silence of the Powerful

Why the Corporate Czars are Silent over increasing attacks on Social Fabric and rising Communalism  Celebrity actors and players share an interesting commonality in this part of South Asia. Their moral compass normally veers towards the ‘righteousness’ of the rich, powerful and the influential. Lynching of innocent people on the streets for their faith, social … Continue reading Silence of the Powerful →

War Crimes, Mental Molestation and Language Rape

The incredible market for human slaughter called war existed thousands of years ago but it was a corner grocery store compared to the multi-trillion dollar moral sewer that represents modern mass murder. Part of what enables imperial and even lesser powers to slaughter at will is a rule book drawn up long ago when there […]
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Bringing our Socialist Baby to Life: History of Socialist Planning Beyond Capitalism

Part I – Pre-History of Socialist Planning Beyond Capitalism Waking Up In 2001 Barbara had her awakening to the disasters that capitalism caused. This started as part of the 9/11 events, beginning after the response to the supposed attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. It became immediately clear the US would […]

Modern Ouroboros

 ‘Society does not consist of individuals, but express the sum of interrelations, the relationships within which this individual stand’- Karl Marx. The interrelation of individuals and the production process was defined by Karl Marx in his analysis of Superstructure. The industrial revolution and the state of the global economy during the 17th century incited Marx to give the analysis of[Read More...]

New Report Exposes Brutal Persecution of Adivasi Women Defending Their Land

Adivasi activist Hidme Markam has been thrown into jail for resisting the takeover of her people’s land for mining. © Survival WARNING: Contains images some may find disturbing A devastating new report from Survival International – launched on International Women’s Day, March 8 – exposes how Adivasi (Indigenous) women in India are being brutally persecuted for […]

Malcolm X Hit 2022 on the Head

I have people worried that as white writers they will be hit with “cultural appropriation” if they write a novel with characters who are not of their own race. You know the deal — writing about barrios, or ghettos or even a mix of people in a big city, people outside the lily white background […]
The post Malcolm X Hit 2022 on the Head first appeared on Dissident Voice.