
Time for a Taxpayer Revolt Against Rich Corporate Welfarists

It is time for an unusual but long overdue revolt by the 150 million tax-with-held taxpayers. I’m not speaking of rates of taxation that the rich and corporations largely avoid because of the gigantic tax escapes, which they grease through Congress. Today I’m hoping to get your dander up by showing how corporatist politicians make […]

The Peace Question and Imperialism

The war in Ukraine is a propaganda war, with all of the belligerents, sponsors, and their allies churning out — through an abjectly subservient media — masses of lies and disinformation. In this regard, they resemble other wars, but with an added dose of shamelessness. For that reason, it is difficult to discern how the […]
The post The Peace Question and Imperialism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why Google News Does Not Want To Talk Caste ?

The Google episode shows the right-wing vision of unity is exclusionary. But this vision is increasingly being challenged in the United States and beyond. On 9 May 1916, a young BR Ambedkar presented a paper at Colombia University in the United States titled Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development. He referred to caste as … Continue reading Why Google News Does Not Want To Talk Caste ? →

A Blinkered Reality

The author Steven Pinker’s blinkered perspective in Enlightenment Now is limited to critiquing what remains of an academic leftism often accused of a reflexive anti-Western bias. Pinker’s advocacy of rationality and science in itself adds little to the mainstream recognition of human intellectual advancement since the 18th century Enlightenment. Over the centuries, the main opponent […]
The post A Blinkered Reality first appeared on Dissident Voice.

General Electric’s French Tax Scam

Since the purchase of Alstom Energy in 2015, the US multinational could have put in place a vast system of tax evasion involving France, Switzerland and Delaware. With the blessing of the French Finance Ministry. It is an industrial fiasco which has no end. Seven years after the sale of Alstom Energy to General Electric,1 […]
The post General Electric’s French Tax Scam first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Socialist China or Capitalist China? It’s All the Same to the Country’s Communist Rulers

May 13, 2022 By Stephen Gowans Empiric, a word infrequently used these days, refers to a quack. This seems odd, considering that empiric and empirical (based on observation) are related. In antiquity, empirics were physicians who relied on their experience and observation rather than on the texts of Aristotle and other philosophers to treat patients. … Continue reading Socialist China or Capitalist China?

Why China Is Not Socialist

Colonial politics and imperialism are not healthy, curable deviations of capitalism…they are the inevitable consequence of the very foundations of capitalism. Competition among individual entrepreneurs either to become ruined, or to ruin others; competition between individual countries places before each of them the alternative of their remaining behind, running the risk of [falling behind], or … Continue reading Why China Is Not Socialist →

Reality Privileged: Orwell/Huxley/McLuhan on Steroids

You can go through life with a thousand epigrams or deep quotes that you might come back to over two, four, six decades. Then, the disrupters pop up, those techno fascists, the tinkers and culture blasters. These sociopaths who get the limelight then become part of a new set of epigrams, but not grand ones, […]
The post Reality Privileged: Orwell/Huxley/McLuhan on Steroids first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Capitalism and the Covid-19 Disaster

And here it becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class in society. —   Karl Marx By Stephen Gowans May 9, 2022 [The following is an excerpt from my new book The Killer’s Henchman: Capitalism and the Covid-19 Disaster, outlining the plan on the book. The book’s official release data is June 1.] The … Continue reading Capitalism and the Covid-19 Disaster →

Pandemics Are Not Inevitable, and China’s Covid-19 Experience Proves It

By Stephen Gowans May 9, 2022 [This is an excerpt from my new book, The Killer’s Henchman: Capitalism and the Covid-19 Disaster, officially released June 1.] “To me, this feels honestly more about economics than about the science.” – Yonatan Grad, associate professor of immunology and infectious diseases, Harvard University[i] “COVID-19 remains a global disaster. … Continue reading Pandemics Are Not Inevitable, and China’s Covid-19 Experience Proves It →