
We Need to Build the Architecture of Our Future

Diego Rivera (Mexico), Frozen Assets, 1931. In April 2022, the United Nations established the Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy, and Finance. This group is tracking the three major crises of food inflation, fuel inflation, and financial distress. Their second briefing, released on 8 June 2022, noted that, after two years of the COVID-19 […]
The post We Need to Build the Architecture of Our Future first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Out with the Old, In with the New

The shifting baseline syndrome requires today’s people disavowing things written 10 years ago, even five years ago, but those books, articles, whitepapers and radio broadcasts are actually ahead of their time . . . And what is that expiration date for good, sound, righteous news and writing and broadcasting? I see more and more young […]
The post Out with the Old, In with the New first appeared on Dissident Voice.

 The Role of Individuals in resisting the Majoritarian State – Aakar Patel

Eminent author and rights activist Aakar Patel will be delivering the 17 th lecture in the Democracy Dialogues Series, organised by New Socialist Initiative, at 6 PM (IST), Sunday, 3 rd July, 2022. He will speak on ‘The role of individuals in resisting the majoritarian state’. You can also watch it live at About the … Continue reading  The Role of Individuals in resisting the Majoritarian State – Aakar Patel →

Market God + Private Profits = Public Loss

All people need food, shelter and health care. In an alleged democracy, none of them need the religion of market forces governing their ability to get them. Nor do those of us temporarily comfortable while enjoying the benefits that come to a minority which does well with capitalism (as it did with slavery) but now […]
The post Market God + Private Profits = Public Loss first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Tanzania: Thousands of Maasai Flee after Dozens Shot and Detained Following Evictions for Trophy Hunting

Elderly Maasai man wounded in the military attack on protesters. © Survival Thousands of Maasai people have fled their homes and escaped into the bush following a brutal police crackdown on protests against government attempts to evict them to make way for trophy hunters and conservation. On June 8 dozens of police vehicles and an estimated […]

Towards a Leftist Psychotherapy

Millions of Britons are suffering from stress-related mental disorders. The number of people with anxiety has been steadily rising for years. According to NHS statistics, more than six million people in the UK are taking antidepressants. There is an acceptance that wide-scale mental distress is an unavoidable part of modern life. The general response to […]
The post Towards a Leftist Psychotherapy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The End of Laissez-Faire: Russia’s Attempt at Reshaping the World Economy

Starting on May 31, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov embarked on a tour to Gulf Cooperation Council countries, where he visited Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, among others. Lavrov’s main objective of these visits is to strengthen ties between Russia and GCC nations amid a global race for geopolitical dominance. The Middle East, especially […]