
For African/Black Working Class and Colonized Peoples, Midterm Elections in the U.S. Offer No Relief from War, Repression and Capitalist Misery

Skidrow in Los Angeles, California (Photo: Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)  The agenda was set with the Lewis Powell Memorandum in 1971. Written at the request of the United States Chamber of Commerce, probably the most influential structure of capitalist rule at the time, the concern for the Chamber was the need to find […]

Only Class Struggle Can Save the Left

A striking paradox of the history of the left is that it is full of self-defeat. From the bitter divisions between statist and anti-statist socialists in the nineteenth century to the vicious rivalries between Communists and Socialists in the 1930s, followed by many more episodes of destructive sectarianism and flawed strategy up to the present, […]
The post Only Class Struggle Can Save the Left first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Pandemic Corruption

“There is an urgent need to improve health policy to reduce corruption in the health sector during times of crisis.” — Gonzalez-Aquines A and Kowalska-Bobko I1 COVID-19 pandemic “highlight[s] potential risks and opportunities for corruption — corruption that may undermine the response to the pandemic and deprive people of health care.” — “Corruption and the […]
The post Pandemic Corruption first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Stop the Slander: Solidarity Statement Against Attempts to Tarnish Activists in the Anti-Adani Seaport Struggle at Vizhinjam

The other day, the citizens of Kerala witnessed an extraordinary coming -together of CPM and BJP leaders in Thiruvananthapuram — in support of the Adani sea port, against the fisher community of the Thiruvananthapuram coast. The fisher community of Kerala is one of the most wronged social groups in the state.

Romantic Heroes: Ameliorating the Dark Side of Capitalism

Edmund Burke MP. Portrait by Joshua Reynolds, c. 1769 Introduction The rapid spread of the science-based Enlightenment (c1687-c1804) across Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was a cause of much dismay to the reigning monarchies of the time. The source of their anxiety, the philosophes,  were propagating a radical new range of ideas “centered on […]

Greta Thunberg Goes Full Woke, Calls for “Overthrow of Whole Capitalist System”

The Doom Goblin has come of age, and with maturity (don't scoff) has come a widening of her political vision. No longer is she merely the teenager who "sees CO2", but she wants to overthrow the "whole capitalist system".
The post Greta Thunberg Goes Full Woke, Calls for “Overthrow of Whole Capitalist System” appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

“Free-Market” Education Is Ineffective and Discredited

Education and other public services and social programs have been under attack by major owners of capital and “free market” ideologues for several decades. To be sure, the privatization of all spheres and sectors continues at a brisk rate at home and abroad. Public-private “partnerships” and other pay-the-rich schemes carried out under the veneer of […]

Engels’ Anti-Duhring and the COVID-19 Calamity

There are many scourges that bedevil humanity that could be, but aren’t, ended. They persist as inevitable consequences of capitalism. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of them. Stephen Gowans October 26, 2022 In Anti-Duhring, Friedrich Engels’ attempt to produce an encyclopaedic survey of Marxism, the main tasks of scientific socialism are presented as follows: To … Continue reading Engels’ Anti-Duhring and the COVID-19 Calamity