
Does God Want Us Eating Animals? Ethics??? Jay Dyer

Why do humans replace their God-based ethics with a man-made nonsensical one, when at the same time we are told there is no God and there are no objective ethics? What about “animal rights”? On what basis? The doctrines of the Fall and Genesis are indispensable to a coherent ethic. Relativism and the gnostic notion we merely cousins of animals and the OT “God” is mean are foolishness.

Mass Rape, Cannibalism, Dismemberment, Unspeakable Atrocities in Congo War

Rebels and government troops in Congo have committed atrocities including mass rape, cannibalism, and dismemberment of civilians. Investigators have learned of boys forced to rape their mothers, little girls being told witchcraft would allow them to catch bullets, and women forced to choose gang-rape or death. The UN investigative team found that both sides in the civil war are guilty. [...]