Can Trump still win

Final Thoughts on the U.S. Presidential Election

Election 2016 has been extremely bittersweet for me. On the positive side, through both the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump grassroots movements, we have seen clear proof that a huge number of Americans accurately understand that the current system is totally rigged and simply not working for them. These people didn’t migrate toward these two candidates for some tweaks to the system here and there, their supporters want full scale paradigm level change.

Trump Won the Debate – What Does it Mean?

Trump and Clinton mainly treated the audience and their questions as an annoying interlude to their dispute, flashing fake smiles before launching into their next tirade. Both candidates came off like divorcing parents interrupted by their concerned kids, thus angering them further. The final questioner even asked Clinton and Trump to say something nice about each other.
It was sad and it was a bit scary.

Donald Trump is in Trouble – Part 2

As an American citizen who considers himself relatively well informed as well as deeply invested in the future of the nation, the 2016 U.S. Presidential election has been simultaneously bizarre, exciting, depressing, entertaining and embarrassing. In particular, yesterday represented perhaps the most overwhelming news day of my lifetime from a purely political perspective. The purpose of today’s post is to provide readers with an updated analysis of the race, and how I think things have changed.