
As Yemen Bleeds, British Profits from Weapons Sales “Bury Human Rights”

Cameron’s government treats such barbarism with astonishing sanguinity. For instance it has come to light that in 2011 the UK drew up a list of thirty: “ ‘priority countries’ where British diplomats would be ‘encouraged’ to ‘proactively drive forward’ and make progress towards abolishing the death penalty over five years.’ “
Saudi Arabia was not on the list, an omission which Amnesty International’s Head of Policy, Alan Hogarth called “astonishing.”

Syrian state media says British airstrikes are illegal

RT | December 3, 2015 Syrian state media outlets claim the British parliament’s decision to extend airstrikes against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) from Iraq into Syria is in contravention of international law. The claims come a day after MPs voted to bomb targets within the war-torn country and hours after the first sorties hit […]

Is Cameron’s intervention in Syria legal?

British Prime Minister David Cameron is attempting to persuade the UK parliament to support an extension of UK air strikes, ostensibly aimed at “degrading” ISIS, from Iraq to Syria. However, his argument that the action would have a clear legal basis is, despite the progressive undermining of international law by UK and US governments, denied […]

Another dubious Islamic State video, more foreign policy folly

Images: The video, which could not immediately be verified, shows a man standing in a cage and engulfed in flames. Courtesy Veterans News Now

The world has been sleepwalked into a handful of senseless wars in the Middle East that have served no other purpose than to fatten the pockets of Western war profiteers and strengthen the Israeli regime’s position in the region.



Image: Israeli authorities on Sunday announced the confiscation of around 4,000 dunums (1,000 acres) of private Palestinian land south of Bethlehem in the southern West Bank. 

 America’s politicians always back Israel because America’s government is constituted on the fallacious and unethical concept that money is free speech when it comes to political campaign contributions – fixed by a Supreme Court whose history includes vigorous support of such other glorious principles as slavery.