Calgary Herald

Anti-Palestine Media Bias Remains Untouchable Even to Canada’s Media Critics

By Yves Engler | September 23, 2016 Media coverage of world affairs mostly focuses on Ottawa/Washington’s perspective. While the dominant media is blatant in its subservience to Canadian/Western power, even independent media is often afraid to challenge the foreign policy status quo. A recent Canadaland podcast simultaneously highlighted anti-Palestinian media bias and the fear liberal […]

A Brief Message for Canadians: Get Over It!

It’s Time to Stop Listening to ‘Rebels against Rationality’
CANADIANS: Be ashamed that this newspaper column is what passes for the “public discourse” in this country: a raving, ignorant, arrogant, idiotic and racist rant telling Indigenous people to “get over it” – referring to the state-sanctioned racism, genocide, and imperialism – all of which is still taking place.