
Is Adam Schiff Re-Inventing Himself-- With The Help Of Trump?

Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) hammering Trump by Nancy OhanianI don't want to go into-- for the 300th time-- the whole long story about how I helped my congressman first get elected in 2000 and then was mortified when he joined the Blue Dogs and started voting like a Republican. Needless to say, my support turned to anger and I never voted for any of his reelection bids-- and stopped talking to him. But, lately, things have changed.

Trump Rebuffed AGAIN-- Congress Likes Adam Schiff More Than Him

"It will be said of House Republicans, when they found they lacked the courage to confront the most dangerous and unethical president in American history, they consoled themselves by attacking those who did."Not even Señor Trumpanzee is stupid enough to have imagined the House was going to censure Adam Schiff today-- to censure him for doing a good job on Trump's impeachment.