
The Republicans Only Have One Hope To Maintain Control Of The House: DCCC Incompetence

Following up on today's long early morning post about how badly the GOP is screwing up 2018 for themselves, I want to warn that the DCCC can pull a rabbit out of the hat and lose enough districts so the GOP keeps control of the House True... it will be difficult but that is, after all, the only thing the DCCC is good at. They know how to screw up an election.

The DCCC's Candidates Week Teaches Their Recruits The One Thing The DCCC Is Expert At-- Losing

By "ideologically diverse" Ben Ray means recruiting anti-Choice conservativesIf I call one more progressive member of Congress today to ask him or her why the DCCC is stiffing so many progressive candidates during Candidates Week, which began yesterday, I'll hit an even dozen. And they all tell me basically the same thing: the DCCC says all candidates are welcome. Are they?

There Are Now 3 Democrats Challenging Devin Nunes In CA-22

Dependably backward-looking DCCC 2018 electoral strategy is to target districts held by Republican incumbents that Hillary lost. In California that means going after 4 Orange County incumbents: Darrell Issa, Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher, Ed Royce, plus Santa Clarita/Simi/Antelope Valley extremist Steve Knight and two in the Central Valley, David Valadao and Jeff Denham.

I Feel Badly Writing A Post Like This... I Really Do. And I Really Want To See Devin Nunes' Career End

The thermometer on the right puts the strongest and most effective voices of congressional Resistance to Trumpism all on one page. The men and women on the page that opens if you tape the thermometer are the ones who have put a lot of effort into calling out Trump on his outrageous excesses. But look at the names on that page. None of them are just sitting around all day taking pot shots at Trump, the way, for example, Adam Schiff-- who wants to run for Feinstein's US Senate seat-- does.

Chaffetz and Nunes-- Which One Is Heading For Disgrace And Which For A Job At Fox?

I couldn't make it to Visalia for the anti-devon Nunes town hall at the College of the Sequoias on Wednesday. (Good excuse-- I had to spend the day at City of Hope working with my doctor on a marijuana protocol for the chronic cough that got left behind after a post-stem cell replacement operation bout of pneumonia. All these medicines aren't working; marijuana oil is.) Anyway...