
Now Russia’s Alfa-Bank sues Buzzfeed over Trump Dossier

Following the libel claim brought in the High Court in London by businessman Alexey Gubarev against ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele in connection with the sensational claims made about him in the Trump Dossier which Christopher Steele compiled, comes news of another libel claim, this time brought in a court in the State of Massachusetts by Russia’s Alfa-Bank against Buzzfeed, the media publication which first published the Trump Dossier back in January.

Owners Of Russian Bank Sue Buzzfeed Over ‘Pissgate’ Dossier

Donald Trump listens during a meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MANHATTAN – Unhappy with BuzzFeed over its reporting of the infamous “Pissgate” dossier, the owners of a Russian bank that is being investigated by the FBI for ties to President Donald Trump brought a defamation complaint Friday.

“Why I left Buzzfeed” goes viral, as ex-employees expose inner workings of listicle publication (Video)

“Why I Left BuzzFeed” videos created by ex-employees is going viral on social media.
The videos explain why these young media talents left the listicle gossip site.
Among the many reasons expressed in the videos…recurring themes include wanting more creative control and ownership of work; BuzzFeed’s policies prohibiting outside projects; and feeling burned out from the pressure of constantly trying to hit high view counts.

Comey Used Buzzfeed’s Fake Dossier To Build His Trump, Russia Collusion Case

FBI Director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Dec. 9, 2015, before the Senate Judiciary Committee/ (AP/Susan Walsh)
It now appears that we are entering a phase where the entire Russiagate fake news is collapsing unto itself, with little fanfare and media attention…given that North Korea and Trump’s war presidency has placated the liberal left and neocon right.

Venezuela Suspends CNN en Espanol Due to Threat to ‘Peace, Democratic Stability’

Sputnik – 16.02.2017 Venezuela’s National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) has suspended the operation of the CNN en Espanol news channel on the territory of the country, the commission said in a statement. The suspension of CNN en Espanol, which allegedly generates “a climate of intolerance” and threatens “the peace and democratic stability” of the people of […]

Russian tech expert sues BuzzFeed over Trump dossier ‘fake news’

RT | February 5, 2017 BuzzFeed and members of its team have been sued by Russian tech expert Aleksey Gubarev over false accusations contained in an unverified story and a dossier that claimed to expose links between President Trump and the Russian government. Two lawsuits, filed in the state of Florida and in London, UK, […]