building trades unions

Hillary's Campaign Is Bragging About Being Endorsed By LIUNA. Meet LIUNA And The Right-wing Nut Who Runs It

Just before the Thanksgiving break, the Clinton campaign stiffed MoveOn and its 8 million grassroots members just as they were playing kissy-kissy with the worst and most degenerate of the right-wing labor unions, LIUNA, which disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO in 2006 and, earlier, was prosecuted by the Department of Labor for racketeering, corruption and ties to organized cri

Central Florida Building and Construction Trades Council Endorses Grayson For U.S. Senate

Democratic Party political boss and throwback Chuck Schumer has no primary and no viable Republican opponent for reelection next year. So he has plenty of time to sit on the phone calling progressive donors and threatening them for backing Alan Grayson in his Democratic primary battle against Schumer's conservative puppet, New Dem/"ex"-Republican Patrick Murphy, who has just spent 3 years in Congress voting to back Boehner's and Wall Street's agenda.

Can The Koch Brothers Money Get To A Labor Leader? Ask Terry O'Sullivan

Although unions have been maligned, denigrated and marginalized by Big Business and their conservative political allies and by the right-wing propaganda machine, the contributions unions have made to the lives of ordinary working men and women are profound and undeniable. From abolishing child labor laws to pushing for Social Security, Medicare, health and safety standards and the minimum wage-- not to mention the whole concept of the weekend!-- unions have been in the forefront of every battle between democracy and the nefarious forces of plutocracy.