Bryan Fischer

Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 8

• Things to come: Forward into the past! (11 Presidential Dream Tickets)• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 9: Former republican VP nominee Paul "Crazy Eyes" Ryan• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 10: Bryan Fischer of the American Family AssociationYou Can't Make This Stuff Up Dept.: On FOX "News" for March 3, "America's Mayor" makes known his preference for Vladimir Putin over President Obama: "Putin makes a decision, and he executes it, quickly. . . . That's what you call a leader." (See Presidential Dream Ticket #2.)

Republican Party Spokesmodel Claims The First Amendment Protects Christians Only

I finally stopped following the demented Twitter ravings of GOP Hate Talk Radio host Bryan Fischer and… my life is more relaxed and productive without all that satanic hatred and bigotry spewing out of him. One thing about Fischer, though… whatever extremist, anti-social nonsense he's spouting now, will become official Republican Party doctrine in a relatively short time.

Quote Of The Day: Bryan Fischer

Bryan J Fischer, Republican Party psychopath, on Twitter just now: "Last night was Ted Cruz's Mount Carmel moment: Elijah standing alone against all the prophets of Baal."UPDATE: Ted Cruz Changes His Mind-- Votes To Back ObamacareThe Senate just voted on shutting down the filibuster and both crackpots, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee voted "aye," which Cruz had just defined as a vote to support Obamacare.

Who Does Satan's Work In Washington?

Neo-fascist extremist and deranged "pastor," Bryan Fischer wasn't trying his hand at stand-up comedy this week with his demon hunter routine (above). Fischer is an annoying crackpot but Satan has higher-placed surrogates to do his work Inside the Beltway. In his brilliant book, The Machine, investigative journalist Lee Fang introduces us to the Koch Empire's chief political operative, Tim Phillips, one of the sleaziest and most destructive lobbyists in the history of K Street.