
Boris Johnson Wins, Labour Loses Big - Brexit?

 I’d suggest that Boris Johnson’s win ties directly with the massive British desire to exit the EU.But can the aspirations  of the majority result in their desired exit?  Certainly Boris is a globalist and can’t be trusted to carry out the desires of the people. We’ll see what occurs. Corbyn appears to have run a dysfunctional campaign.

Greta's Endless Hot Air Leaves Me Cold- Record Breaking Cold and Snow: Updated

  Did you spot the contradiction in the headline? Hot Air can't Leave me Cold.And "global warming" can't be the cause of record cold and snow in the fall/autumn. As we bask in January like temperatures here, with 30 cms/ 12 inches of snow just outside, the question is ... where's the warming?- Cold being the absence of heat and it's unusually abnormally cold. And global warming, aka AGW, aka human caused carbon warming, cannot bring the cold.