Lavrov-Jaishankar Meeting

On the 8th of November, the Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar visited Moscow, where alongside meeting various Russian officials such as Deputy Prime Minister and Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov, he held bilateral talks with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Here is a summary of the major points as from official press-releases of the Indian […]

Algeria Applies for BRICS Membership

Samizdat – 07.11.2022 “Algeria [has] made an official application to join BRICS,” media reported, citing Foreign Ministry special envoy Leila Zerrouki. The president of the North African nation previously said that Algeria may be interested in joining the bloc, adding that it largely meets the conditions for entering BRICS. This comes after Iran and Argentina […]

Zelensky : criminel de guerre ? Rencontre Poutine-Erdogan, BRICS et faillites françaises

Bonjour, dans ce nouveau Rus'Actu nous allons parler d'Amnesty International qui considère l'Ukraine comme un pays qui a fait des crimes de guerre, de la rencontre entre Vladimir Poutine et d'Erdogan. Ensuite nous parlerons de Gazprom qui coupe le gaz, des sanctions, de Taiwan et du Kosovo, du bataillon Azov ainsi que des BRICS et des entreprises françaises.


Zelensky : criminel de guerre ? Rencontre Poutine-Erdogan, BRICS et faillites françaises

Bonjour, dans ce nouveau Rus'Actu nous allons parler d'Amnesty International qui considère l'Ukraine comme un pays qui a fait des crimes de guerre, de la rencontre entre Vladimir Poutine et d'Erdogan. Ensuite nous parlerons de Gazprom qui coupe le gaz, des sanctions, de Taiwan et du Kosovo, du bataillon Azov ainsi que des BRICS et des entreprises françaises.


Zelensky : le début de la fin ? Récession, BRICS, Poutine en Iran et hypocrisie européenne

Bonjour à tous, aujourd'hui dans ce Rus'Actu nous allons parler de la récession en Europe à venir, de la réunion des BRICS, de Biden en Arabie Saoudite, du sommet Russie-Turquie-Iran, des exportations russes en hausse, des nouvelles sanctions, de l'achat possible de drone iranien, du limogeage par Zelensky, de la Corée du Nord et de Von der Leyen en Azerbaidjan.


The Rise of BRICS: The Economic Giant that is Taking on the West

The global fight ahead is perhaps the most consequential since World War II. While NATO will continue to fight for relevance, Russia, China, and others will invest in various economic, political and even military infrastructures, in the hope of creating a permanent and sustainable counterbalance to Western dominance.
The post The Rise of BRICS: The Economic Giant that is Taking on the West appeared first on MintPress News.

The Rise of BRICS: The Economic Giant that is Taking on the West 

The G7 summit in Elmau, Germany, June 26-28, and the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, two days later, were practically useless in terms of providing actual solutions to ongoing global crises – the war in Ukraine, the looming famines, climate change and more. But the two events were important, nonetheless, as they provide a stark example of the impotence of[Read More...]

The Rise of BRICS: The Economic Giant that is Taking on the West

The G7 summit in Elmau, Germany, June 26-28, and the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, two days later, were practically useless in terms of providing actual solutions to ongoing global crises – the war in Ukraine, the looming famines, climate change and more. But the two events were important, nonetheless, as they provide a stark […]

Global Inflation and China’s Measures to Stabilize Her Economy

• This article was first published by the International Monetary Institute, China. Under normal circumstances inflation occurs when too many monetary units (US-dollars, Euros, Chinese Yuan) chase too few goods. But we are not living in normal times. To the contrary. We are living in an increasingly divided world, not only in political terms – […]