Eritrea and the Roles of Future BRICS Nations

On May 31st, Vladimir Putin met with the President of the State of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, at the Kremlin. The meetup was ostensibly to fortify trade and economic cooperation between the East African nation and Russia. However, broader implications concerning the emerging multipolar world system are also at play. President Putin welcomed Eritrea’s president, noting […]

Promethean City Builders vs Finance Capital Malthusians

Part I Who are Some Western Supporters of Multipolarists? Orientation Most of us realize there is a major tectonic shift in the world economy from West to East. The multipolar nations are basing their economies on investing in developing the productive forces of science and technology and to better human life. The Belt and Road […]

Why America is losing its war against Russia

Eric Zuesse The reason, in a nutshell, is that America’s neoconservatism (or aggressive insistence that it must remain the world’s leading nation) is antagonizing so many previously neutral or “non-aligned” nations to shun America, so that the steam is going out of the U.S.-led effort to salvage Ukraine as a U.S. ‘ally’. America’s existing ‘allies’ […]

The West increasingly isolates itself

Following the demise of the Soviet Union, the United States felt that it would always be the lone superpower and that its hegemony would not be challenged. The failure of American policy in Iraq, followed by a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, did not undercut Washington’s claim to global dominance. When Russia demanded an end to […]
Сообщение The West increasingly isolates itself появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Discord Leaks : Comment des puissances émergentes clés refusent l’affrontement entre les États-Unis, la Russie et la Chine

Selon plusieurs fuites de documents, les stratégies des pays émergents pour esquiver l’affrontement entre grandes puissances remettent en cause le calendrier international de Biden. Source : Washington Post, Missy RyanTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises L’agenda mondial du président Biden est confronté à d’importants défis, dans la mesure où les principales nations en voie […]

An African Delegation Could Be Biden’s Way Out of the Ukraine Affair

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa recently announced that six African leaders are planning to travel to Ukraine and Russia to try and find a solution to the conflict between the nations. According to the news, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy agreed to receive the African peace mission in their respective capitals. Ramaphosa […]

The New Multipolar World: East Africa Focus

During a recent visit to West Africa, Rwandan President Paul Kagame declared that Russia has the right to be anywhere in Africa. Kagame also accused Western nations of dragging Africa into its political messes. His words echo the sentiments of many African nations. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the original BRICS countries, control […]
Сообщение The New Multipolar World: East Africa Focus появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Un soutien militaire chinois à la Russie pourrait renverser l’équilibre stratégique des forces nucléaires

Dans la stratégie de sécurité nationale de la nouvelle administration Biden[1], annoncée le 12 octobre 2022, la Chine est déclarée être le seul véritable État concurrent des États-Unis. La stratégie stipule que « La Chine et la Russie sont de plus en plus étroitement alignées, mais les défis qu’elles présentent sont, à bien des égards, […]