India’s Modi Meets Biden – U.S. Screw Turners Squirm Some More

The United States leadership is squirming to resolidify ties with parts of the world that either bombed, invaded, or marginalized in recent decades. The prime example of marginalization is India. However, without the current gigantic trade surpluses boosting Indian confidence in America, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have to do much less tightrope-walking between Washington […]

The UK Again Lashes Out At Iran, Corporate Media Continues To Peddle Propaganda

The UK Government took steps to further sanction the Islamic Republic of Iran, gaining instant praise from Washington, in what is primarily going to be a symbolic move with little real world impacts. What appears to be a tantrum from the British government, over the successes of Iran, coincidentally comes just prior to their “planned” Read More...

Regarding the United States’ desire to start a campaign to undermine the BRICS NDB

In recent months, the USA has stepped up efforts to discredit the New Development Bank (NDB), which, in addition to the five BRICS countries, includes Egypt, Bangladesh, and the UAE, while about 20 other countries are candidates to join. The reason for this activity on the part of Washington is simple and clear. The Americans […]

The Magic Skin of US dollar hegemony

The dominance of the US dollar in the global economy continues to wane quietly but relentlessly as many countries actively seek other currencies. First and foremost, they are the BRICS nations of Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. Although it appeared to be only a few countries, the total population is over 3.23 billion, […]
Сообщение The Magic Skin of US dollar hegemony появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Tunisia’s President Stands Up for His Independence, Defying Western Pressure

Tunisia is a nice little Arab Mediterranean country located in the very north of Africa (I know this well, for I was the Russian ambassador to Tunisia in the late twentieth century). Except for considerable phosphate reserves, there are hardly any minerals. Since gaining its independence in 1956, Tunisia has placed a strong emphasis on […]

Moscow-Algeria: on the way to deepening a partnership

“Moscow-Algeria: closer than ever before,” “Algerian-Russian Axis: New Prospects for Cooperation,” “Summit of Friends.” These and similar headlines in Algerian media reflect the reaction to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s recent state visit to Russia. During the visit, the Russian Federation and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria signed an in-depth strategic partnership declaration, as well as […]

Who is National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and why he should debate RFK Jr

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is one of the key people driving US foreign policy. He was mentored by Hillary Clinton with regime changes in Honduras, Libya and Syria. He was the link between Nuland and Biden during the 2014 coup in Ukraine. As reported by Seymour Hersh, Sullivan led the planning of the Nord […]

The end of the unipolar world

The global world order is on the verge of a radical transformation. The Western powers 30 years ago saw in the collapse of the Soviet Union, which resulted from its internal weaknesses and mistakes, an unprecedented opportunity to dominate the world by way of deterring possible competitors by any means. Perhaps one of the most […]
Сообщение The end of the unipolar world появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.