The BRICS Have Changed the Balance of Forces, but They Will Not by Themselves Change the World

Mao Xuhui (China), ’92 Paternalism, 1992 In 2003, high officials from Brazil, India, and South Africa met in Mexico to discuss their mutual interests in the trade of pharmaceutical drugs. India was and is one of the world’s largest producers of various drugs, including those used to treat HIV-AIDS; Brazil and South Africa were both […]

Will the Seas Soon Be Ruled by a BRICS Naval Contingent?

In the run-up to the 15th BRICS summit in South Africa, the Chief of the South African Navy, Vice Admiral Monde Lobese, told a gathering of BRICS naval brass of his country’s excitement over the current reshaping of the geopolitical landscape. Visiting Russia’s annual Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg, Admiral Lobese joined heads of […]

There Are Enough Resources in the World to Fulfill Human Needs, But Not Enough Resources to Satisfy Capitalist Greed

Kurt Nahar (Suriname), Untitled 2369, 2008. On 20 July, the United Nations (UN) released a document called A New Agenda for Peace. In the opening section of the report, UN Secretary-General António Guterres made some remarks that bear close reflection: We are now at an inflection point. The post-Cold War period is over. A transition […]

Moscow to give Africa more unproven “vaccines” that nobody wants or needs

Riley Waggaman The Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, held in St. Petersburg at the end of July, was by all accounts a smashing success. The biggest names in Africa-related economics and humanitarianism were there, including Russia’s leading philanthropist: (How is it that Mr. Prigozhin is mingling with Africans at a swanky hotel in St. Petersburg, …

La monnaie des BRICS est encore une théorie. Mais elle est prometteuse – traduction de Jacques Sapir

Je présente ici la traduction d’un important article qui a été publié le 23 juillet dans le magazine russe Ekspert, concernant le projet de monnaie des BRICS. On sait que ce projet agite beaucoup et les milieux financiers et les gouvernements actuellement. Il est porteur, pour certains, d’un immense espoir. J’ai, pour ma part, salué […]

Multipolar world: Iran, Russia, China and India. Interview with Dr. Javad Masoumi

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The days of a sole American superpower are over. Other powerful actors have emerged in the east, as the western domination has waned through multiple failed wars which were unjustifiable. The Russian-Iranian relationship was further strengthened while fighting Radical Islamic terrorists in Syria, which were supported by the US […]

Egypt and India: a clear example of the multipolar character of today’s world

Two countries, Egypt and India, have become models of mutual cooperation and understanding, thus providing a remarkable instance of regional autonomy in an age when the international community is becoming increasingly polarized. These two nations joined forces in many areas, in a bid to create a unique model of regional independence and play a significant role […]

Interview 1819 - From My Cold, Dead Hands! (AM Radio Edition) - #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the WHO admits aspartame causes cancer; the BRICS are set to expand as the New World Order takes shape according to plan; and AM radio in cars may be a thing of the past.
The post Interview 1819 - From My Cold, Dead Hands! (AM Radio Edition) - #NewWorldNextWeek first appeared on The Corbett Report.