How Did WTC7 Collapse? – Questions For Corbett #016

In this edition of “Questions For Corbett” James answers questions on the BRICS vs. the west, facebook and Gootube, the WTC7 collapse, Zeitgeist, secret societies, and much much more.
For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.
For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).

Fighting Back Against Western Sanction

August 23, 2014 (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - While the impact of sanctions leveled against Russia is being debated, one fact is perfectly clear; the dangerous interdependence cultivated by the concept of “globalization” leaves nations vulnerable amid a global order dominated by hegemonic special interests that use such interdependence as a weapon.Two rounds of sanctions have been leveled against Russia targe

Obama Wines and Dines African Dictators as Ebola Spreads

This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss: the latest on the ongoing Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the decision to send infected patients to Germany and the US for treatment; the conflict in Gaza and what it has done to the population of the world’s largest open-air prison; and the latest moves on the Eastern European chessboard as Putin bristles at Poland’s “Ukraine invasion” fears.

Interview 923 – The Geneva Business Insider with David Smith

This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss: the latest on the ongoing Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the decision to send infected patients to Germany and the US for treatment; the conflict in Gaza and what it has done to the population of the world’s largest open-air prison; and the latest moves on the Eastern European chessboard as Putin bristles at Poland’s “Ukraine invasion” fears.

The New Great Game Round-Up: July 27, 2014

Jihadi Mercenaries from Central Asia, Taliban Welcome China’s Involvement in Afghanistan & Turkey Considers Joining Russia’s Eurasian Project
*The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits in Central Asia and the Caucasus region between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players.