Neoliberal American Capitalism Rocks On!

Though not explicitly stated, America’s most powerful instrument of national power is Capitalism. The pistons that power Neoliberal American Capitalism are: Diplomacy, Information, Military, Economic, Financial, Law Enforcement, Intelligence and Human Capital/People. The clearest exposition of the instruments of national power on record can be found in the US Army’s 2008 Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual.

NATO’s War on Africa

An African Union increasingly coming under the influence of China is fighting NATO sponsored destabilization in the form of Wahhabi terrorism such as Al Shabaab and Boko Haram.
The spate of terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait on June 26th brought condemnation from most of the world’s leaders, especially the terrorist attack against the US Air Products plant in Isere, France, which received most of the media attention.

Currency Crisis: How Much Longer Until it Hits the US?

A currency crisis is coming to the US and it’s only a matter of when, not if. Many have been warning about it for years, from politician Ron Paul to economist Peter Schiff to many other voices in the alternative media. It’s a mathematical certainty, and a question of when, not if. Recent events, within the US and abroad, are beginning to indicate that it’s going to happen sooner rather than later. No one knows exactly when; there are way more predictions that don’t come true than those that do.

East Must Provide Alternative to, Not Replace Western Hegemony

By Ulson Gunnar – New Eastern Outlook – 14.06.2015 Recent news has shown China quickly gaining ground against a West which has for centuries maintained hegemony over Asia Pacific. Beyond Asia, China has been steadily expanding its influence throughout Africa and the Middle East. Together with Russia, Iran and other nations of the “East,” they […]