Russia’s ACRA to aim at breaking monopoly as Moody’s exits

The BRICS Post | March 19, 2016 Russia’s new national Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA), seen as a domestic competitor to global ratings agencies, plans to issue its first ratings this year, according to CEO, Ekaterina Trofimova. ACRA applied for a license to operate in Russia on February 29. On Friday, one of the “BIG Three” […]

The Human Rights Empire Attacks Burundi

Since April of 2015, the Republic of Burundi has been beset by a violent protest movement organised by NGOs financed by the United States and the European Union. These so-called ‘civil society’ organisations have engaged in mass murder, arson, and sabotage in a concerted attempt to spread anarchy in the country on behalf of neocolonial interests.

Perspectives Marinated in Propaganda

On May 19, 1916, representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reached an accord, known as the Sykes-Picot agreement, by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of the Ottoman Empire were to be divided into British and French spheres of influence upon the conclusion of World War 1. That this agreement was conducted in secrecy, reveals to what extent the voices of the inhabitants of this region were absent from negotiations. It was as if the voices of the ruling Colonial elites were the only ones that had credibility.

Argentina’s New President Poised to Roll Back Gains for Multipolar World

Sputnik – November 23, 2015 On Sunday, Argentina held a runoff vote to pick its next president, resulting in a narrow victory for conservative Let’s Change coalition candidate Mauricio Macri over his center-left Front for Victory coalition opponent, Daniel Scioli. The question on everybody’s mind now is: what should Argentinians, and the world, expect from […]

« Paris : victime de la guerre par procuration ? », par Gabriel Rabhi

Gabriel Rabhi, auteur du documentaire « Dette, crise, chômage : qui crée l’argent ? » et passionné de géopolitique replace les attentats de Paris dans le contexte global des luttes d’intérêts entre grandes puissances. Il nous livre une analyse étayée, au delà de l’émotion et des déclarations étriquées omniprésentes dans les médias de grande diffusion.

Grandmaster Putin’s Trap No. 2

In December of last year we published an intriguing article by Dmitry Kalinichenko, “Grandmaster Putin’s Trap,” which has drawn far more attention from readers than we ever expected. It continues to be cited by many international political and economic experts. That article addressed Russia’s latent strategy to get rid of US bonds and use its petrodollars to buy monetary gold.

Time Is Running Out For Pax Americana’s Apologists

The paradox of the current global crisis is that for the last five years, all relatively responsible and independent nations have made tremendous efforts to save the United States from the financial, economic, military, and political disaster that looms ahead. And this is all despite Washington’s equally systematic moves to destabilize the world order, rightly known as the Pax Americana (“American peace”).